About me

This blog isn’t expert advice, it’s not to tell you how to train, or how you shouldn’t train. It’s not to tell you what your goals should be, what you should eat, what workout you should try next or any quick fix fitness advice.

I’m Max, and through training, be that running, in the gym, or in any other sports, I found something. And that something is I love to talk about the things I’m passionate about. And my passion? To grow. I believe growth comes from challenge. It comes from finding your limit and going a little further, aiming to grow just 1% a day. Some days growth can feel impossible, and others, like nothing can stop you. But motivation can only ever get you so far. Discipline is the key. Discipline separates good from great. The days where growth feels impossible, where motivation is nowhere to be found, when discipline must take over, are the days that count the most. And I often wonder about this. Where can discipline be found? How can it be built upon? Is it really possible to improve 1% everyday?

So, I decided to start sharing these thoughts, these conversations. I decided I wanted to take the leap and post them, to try and inspire others. Your goals may vary from my own, perhaps you just started on your fitness journey and you’re struggling to get out of the blocks. Or maybe you’re 15 years in and struggling to break through a plateau. Perhaps your goals aren’t fitness related at all, but instead you want to improve your relationship, or your work ethic in your job. Whatever your goals are, if just one post in this blog helps to inspire you to go that little step further, then I can be glad knowing I did what I set out to do.